Sunday, September 25, 2011

False Ban?

When you are banned from SmallWorlds whether it be temporarily or permanently, you will receive an email from SmallWorlds on your personal email ie. Yahoo, Gmail, Aol. It will say why you are banned and for how long, and if you feel you have been wrongly banned, you can submit an appeal to their support team by email

SmallWorlds will NEVER send you an email in-world saying you have been banned. Those mail are fake and should be reported. If you receive mail in-world saying something like "you have to pay 10000 gold or your account will be banned" it's not true. Report the mail and the person who sent it. Block them and ban them and you should be fine.

Good Luck

Getting Banned

Most likely you did something wrong to get banned from SW. Whether it be temporary or permanently.

If you haven't done anything wrong(which isn't usually the case...) then what you need to do is contact SW support by email at so they can better assist you. It takes time for them to review and get back to you, but you have to be patient.

Do NOT post threads on the SmallWorlds forum saying that you were banned. Your thread will just get locked and deleted.

So friends, think before you act or say something inappropriate that is going to get you banned. Unless you don't care. Then that's on you :)

Good Luck

All VIPs are Rich


It's a common misconception that ALL VIPs own a big homespace or many homespaces, have millions of gold and tokens, have tons of clothing and wears. It's not true people.

VIP is only a privilege. It's only extra features. VIP doesn't make someone the richest avatar on SW or superior to anyone else.

All VIPs Think They are Superior to Non VIPs


Not all VIPs act or feel that way. There are many VIPs out there that are very respectful and kind and towards others. I myself am a VIP and I most certainly do not feel I am superior to non VIPs. We are all equal. We are all one community.

Of course, not all VIPs are respectful, but you can't judge a person just because you had a bad experience with one and think all are the same. No.

Magical Harassment

What is magical harassment?
- a form of bullying by using magic or virtual weapons to harass an individual.

How to deal with magical harassment?
- if you're in a SW owned space (modern living,cue club, rachels tea room, smallwear,etc...) there is a lion statue at the entrance which you can click to provide you a temporary shield that protects you from any kind of magic. And anyone can use it.

-if you are not in a SW owned space or just don't want to use the lion guard and you are being magically harassed, you can can always report the person for it. BUT you have to tell the person who is harassing you to STOP shooting you before making a report. That way the moderator can see in the chat log that they continued even after you said to stop.

-if a mod doesn't come right away and boot them or have a talk with them, you can always leave the space and go somewhere else if it bothers you that much.

Remember to report,block,and ban :)

Good Luck

Friday, September 23, 2011

What Is Reportable and What Is Not


-sexual harassment
-verbal harassment
-racial harassment
-magical harassment
-underage user
-inappropriate behavior (ie certain gestures such as dance moves to refer to sexual gestures)

NOT Reportable:

-reporting a false report
-reporting someone for using magic on you
-reporting someone that booted you for no reason
-false reporting someone

Swearing in SmallWorlds

Is one of the rules in SW that is constantly broken. I can't say it is completely not tolerated at all because almost everyone swears and gets away with it.

In SW, there are automatic boots in SW owned places such as Modern Living,Rachels Tea Room, Cue Club, etc. Normally you are given one warning and on the second time you are booted. But if you are constantly swearing you eventually get no warning at all.

Now if someone keeps swearing at you in SW thats a form if harassment and you can report that person for it. Report them and block them. Ban them from your spaces and ignore them.

Good luck

How to Deal with SmallWorlds Bullies

There are many online bullies in SW and in other online games, I'm sure. It's one of those things that you just have to know you'll encounter.

So if you're having a hard time dealing with it, here are some tips on how to help you not let it affect you as much.

First off, if someone is constantly bugging you in SW and they just won't SHUTUP, simply block them. Click on their avatar and click the sad face, then click block and ta dah! You will no longer be able to see what they are typing. You will also see an option to ban them from your spaces, so make sure to do that also.

If they keep following you around, again click on their avatar and click the sad face then click report. Mark the reason you are reporting them and type in some detail about what they are doing. The moderators will take care of it from there.

If it's really annoying you and they won't leave you alone, you can leave the space and go somewhere else. Just make sure that they are not added as a friend otherwise they will be able to see where you're at an will keep following you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Buy Gold

If you're having a hard time earning gold, then the easiest way is to buy it. Now there are two ways of buying gold, with tokens and with real money.

You can purchase gold with tokens by going to the Trading Post and trading your tokens for a certain amount of gold. Keep in mind that you will need a large amount of tokens if you want to trade it for a large amount of gold.

You can purchase gold with real money buy accessing the 'Get gold' ATM machine in-world at any SW owned store. Once you have entered the page, cluck on 'buy gold' and click your form of payment whether it'd be by credit/debit or a GameCard.

Becoming a VIP

How do I become a VIP?

1) you can purchase it with real money
2) you can purchase it with gold
3) what types of VIP are there

1) you can go in-world and go to any 'VIP machine' and buy it from there. It will have two options for you whether you want to purchase it with gold or money. Click 'pay with money'. And choose the package you want. Once that is done, you choose your method of payment. It can be by credit/debit card(uses paypal) or you can use Gamecard which can be bought at most drugstores.

2) instead of clicking the 'pay by money'option, click the 'pay by gold' option. Once you've chosen your package, you will just click through until purchase is complete.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Becoming a Moderator

To become a moderator you have to become a helper first. Unfortunately at the moment the applications for Helper is at a hold. SmallWorlds Forum will post when it will be reopened.

Monday, September 19, 2011


What is a Scammer?
- a person who will promise you something in exchange of something else. Will ask you to send it first and then disappear after you give them what they wanted.

Here's an example:

Someone approaches you in SW and asks you if you want tokens for your denim shorts ( which are only sold in gold). You're running low on tokens and you really wanted to buy that skateboard. So you ask how much she is willing to give you and she will give all her tokens. So you tell her to give the tokens and that you will gift her the shorts.. But she refuses and tells you to give her the shorts first and she will give the tokens. In a desperate mode, you send her the shorts and wait for the tokens... But instead she disappears... You've been scammed!

So will you get your shorts back? Probably not. But what you can do is report the person for scamming you. Although the SmallWorlds forum has warned people numerous times NOT to fall for these sorts of things.

-If the person has poofed after you giving them something they asked for and you don't remember their name, don't worry you can access that another way. If you hurry and go to the chat log, you can find their name on there, type it in under people and report them.
-If you can no longer see their name on the chat log, then go to 'My Profile' which is the passport icon. Look under account and you should see the name of the person you gifted the item to.
-You can also go to your mail and look under sent and it should say who you gifted the item to. Then report the person.

-If you were in the persons homespace and were booted after gifting the item and you can't remember the persons name, go to your SW homepage change avatars and click 'back to world' and it will ask you if you want to reload the space using the different avatar, click yes. If you can access the space, click the info spanner icon at the top left corner and check the owners name and report.
-If you cannot access the space at all, then send an email explaining in detail what happened to

Racism in SmallWorlds

Is not tolerated at all. You can and will be reported for racist comments. Bare in mind that you can also be banned for multiple offenses.
I wouldn't suggest you DO NOT do this because not only will moderators not stand this, but SW players will not put up with it as well, at least the mature ones.
I myself will not tolerate racism.

Virtual Sex

Idk how many times I have witnessed this in public spaces. And it's disgusting.
Again. SmallWorlds is NOT IMVU OR THE SIMS. Ridiculous people.

Also, sexual harassment, use of sexual references, or sexual gestures is reportable and you can be banned if found doing this multiple times.

Virtual Dating

SmallWorlds is NOT a dating website. But people have made it a meat market on their own.
I've never quite understood how people can date pixelated cartoons, but to each their own right?
My concern is with the older and younger people on this game. You never really know who you're talking to.
In my younger SW days, I used to hang out at Rachels Tea Room and would always see older male avatars hitting on young female avatars. I have experienced that too. There are many gross people out there that you all need to look out for.

There are many places that I have seen in the popular section that are called dating centers. I advise that if you are looking for a partner in SW, go to those places.


What does this term mean?

Bwaby- a person who talks and acts like they are a baby in order to get items they may want.

Please don't become one of these. You'll just be a target for VIPs. Even if you are a VIP, they'll still shoot you anyway.

The whole idea of talking like a baby is ridiculous. Twalking lwik dwis is very annoying for others to see. Perhaps that is why they do it even more. Acting like a baby to get some VIP to be your mom,dad,sibling,whatever, is unnecessary. It just shows how lazy you are to earn your own things.

Also, SmallWorlds is not IMVU or Sims or whatever other virtual game you want to compare it to. If you really want to act like a baby or create your own babies, then I suggest you use one of those other virtual sites. Not here please.

Thank You.

Newbs and Noobs

What do these terms mean?

Newb- a person who is new to the game and is trying to learn how to get ahead by EARNING his/her way.

Noob- a person who doesn't care about missions or playing fairly. Is an ass and harasses people both verbally and "magically" (in sw case).

Note: The term Noob can apply to both non-VIP and VIP. It goes both ways people.

So don't be a Noob!

Earning Tokens and Gold

To earn tokens in SmallWorlds, you simply do missions that are provided for you under the missions tab. There are a lot of free missions that require no token entry fee and there are others that do ask for a certain amount, but it's affordable and the amount you get back for completing the mission is greater.
You can also earn tokens by selling things that you don't want or need anymore.

To earn gold in SmallWorlds you can use the Earn Gold machines located outside/inside of SmallWorlds owned stores. You complete the offers and earn gold within minutes or days depending on the offer you do. Another way to earn gold is to purchase it with real money. Prices will vary depending on your country or currency. You can also earn gold by completing the monthly loyalty challenge. You can either do missions, spin the wheel, or harvest your plants.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Entering SmallWorlds

After you have completed the sign-up process, you will be taken in-world where you are taught some basic things to know. You are taught how to walk, move, zoom, and change your appearance. After you complete this mission, you are rewarded with gold and tokens
You can then move on to do other easy missions to earn you your 1000xp(experience points). Earning your 1000xp will reward you with gold as well. You can find there beginner missions at the Landing Pad

Friday, September 16, 2011

Joining SmallWorlds

To sign up for a SmallWorlds account, you can go to and click join now. After you have done that, just follow the instructions to complete your profile. If you were sent an invite by email or social network (facebook, myspace, bebo) then simply click the link and follow the sign-up instructions.

How do you know if you're qualified to join the SmallWorlds community?
-minimum age requirement is 13
-must have a valid email to confirm your account

if you are NOT at least 13 or older then you CANNOT join SmallWorlds.

You will be banned from the website if found that you are an underaged user. 

So think carefully!

Welcome to Gahee's blog!

          Hello fellow Gaheeans ! Welome to my blog. This blog will show you some ways to 'survive' in SmallWorlds to attain the goals you're aiming for. There are many ways to earn gold and tokens without having to beg or 'steal' from others. It takes time and patience to earn what you want, but in the end it is well worth it :) 

Stay tuned ! :D